By Nana Yaw Aidoo
There is a God and there is sufficient evidence to prove that He has spoken and the Bible is His word. It is also the case that when He speaks, He demands that men obey, so much that it is written that He has magnified His word above His name (Psa.138:2).
That God's word must be strictly obeyed is clearly seen in the life of Moses. When the nation of Israel came out of Egyptian bondage, they showed their "gratitude" to God by constantly committing the sin of murmuring. Time and time again these people forgot about God's omnipotence when they had no business forgetting.
One time in Rephidim, when they needed drinking water, they murmured even to the point of almost stoning Moses (Exo.17:4). There, in order to provide water for the people, God Almighty commanded Moses to "strike the rock" (Exo.17:6). Moses obeyed and did exactly as He had been commanded.
On another occasion, when the people once again showed their lack of faith in God by murmuring about drinking water (again), God gave a contrary instruction to Moses. The first time Moses was asked to "strike the rock." This time round he was commanded to "speak to the rock" (Num.20:8). Unfortunately, Moses disobeyed God's word "and struck the rock twice with his rod" (Num.20:11). The end result was that Moses never stepped foot on the promised land, for which he had labored forty years (Num.20:12).
Notice that nowhere in the text did God tell Moses that he could not strike the rock. Did God after specifying what He wanted done, tell Moses; "Thou shalt not strike the rock?" If some people living today were in Moses' shoes, no doubt they would have asked God; "Where did You say I can't strike the rock?" Yet, Moses sinned because He did that which God did not authorize him to do. Moses sinned because he presumptuously did that which God was silent about. This is clear enough.
It didn't matter whether God in times past had asked Moses to strike a rock. Neither did it matter how sincere Moses was. In the eyes of the Almighty, Moses disobeyed Him at that point in time by doing what He hadn't authorized Moses to do. I wonder whether some of my "ever-loving" brethren would call God a legalist or a narrow-minded person!!
When God speaks, men must obey and when He's silent, men have no absolutely no right to act because His silence is prohibitory (see Heb.7:11-14). Examples like that of Moses' are seen over and over again in God's word. Consider the cases of Nadab and Abihu (Lev.10:1-11); Saul (1 Sam.13:1-14; 15:1-30) Uzzah (2 Sam.6:1-8; 1 Chr.13:1-11; 15:13) and Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-4).
Also, consider the admonitions to "not add to the word...nor take anything from it" (Deut.4:2), to "observe to do according to all that is written in" God's word (Josh.1:8), to "not turn from it to the right hand or to the left" (Josh.1:7), to "not think beyond what is written" (1 Cor.4:6) and to "make all things according to the pattern" (Heb.8:6). All of these go to prove the authority that is inherent in God's word.
Sadly, however, so many people both in and out of the church of our Lord, fail to realize this fact. Little wonder denominations spring up by the day and the worship of God in these churches and in some congregations of the Lord's people, has become nothing less than glorified entertainment.
Instruments of music, and women preachers abound because of the failure to recognize and accept the authority that is inherent in God's word.
Singing groups are used in the worship of our Lord because of the failure to recognize and accept the authority that is inherent in God's word.
God's plan for church organization which is an eldership and a diaconate (Php.1:1; 1 Tim.3:1-13), has been cast aside for the "pastor system." Even some among the Lord's people constantly contend against "congregational autonomy" (Acts 14:23; 1 Pet.5:1-3) and seek a "national office" so-called because of the failure to recognize and accept the authority of God's word.
God's perfect plan and pattern for church finance is not adhered to because of the failure to recognize and accept the authority of God's word.
Religious titles ranging from "Reverend" to "Doctor" are used because of the apparent failure to recognize and accept the authority of God's word.
And so many more unscriptural and unauthorized things.
Nonetheless, the power is still in God's word (Rom.1:16; Heb.4:12) and we had better accept this fact or face an eternity apart from God. Just as Moses failed to enter Canaan because of his presumptuous sin, all who do not recognize and respect the authority of God's word are in for a rude awakening on the day of judgement. Jesus, the righteous Judge (Acts 17:31) has said; "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him--the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day" (John 12:48).
May we seek nothing but to do only that which God's word has authorized in both teaching and in practice (Col.3:17), with sincerity of hearts, so that on the eve of our departure from this "earthly tent" (2 Pet.1:13), we can say like the apostle Paul; "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing" (2 Tim.4:7-8).
God bless us all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.